
In keeping with the Halloween theme this week, I wanted to talk about one of my favorite Halloween ads ever.  Snickers “Grocery Store Lady” is funny, witty, catching, buzz worthy, and insightful.

The ad is simple. Two children are dressed as a woman in the candy isle. Taking place prior to Halloween, a woman is shopping for her tricker-treater candy. The children say in a “matronly” voice to buy the candy because all of the kids love it.

The ideas behind this commercial I think are great. Be funny and target the kids, and those buying candy for the kids at the same time. The commercial was released in October of 2010 but is still being used this Halloween.

The commercial may come off to some as a little unnatural or frightening, but that’s what Halloween is all about. I think that it is creative and is reaching its target audience.

I found myself, asking if my friends and family have seen it. That must mean that other viewers were doing the same. the ad also did what all ads are for, create a need for the product. Telling the shoppers that if they didn’t have snickers, they might as well be giving out pennies. It also brought the product to the top of the mind of the viewer. Now suddenly they want the snickers, so they can eat the left overs.

Happy Halloween!!!!

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