Hungry? Have some…Candy?

Last year Snickers caught the attention of viewers during the Super Bowl, using Betty White in one of their spots. The idea behind it was that you “aren’t yourself when you’re hungry.” The character in the ad was given a Snickers bar to relieve his hunger so that he could play his football game to his best ability, and not like an old women.

This was not only successful in that Snickers used humor to get attention to their brand but they also opened their product to not only just a candy bar, but a quick snack in between meals.

The campaign was successful and further commercials used various other celebrities to get the message across. However, the fact that Snickers was now selling themselves as a snack bar, also was successful. But why did they chose to go this direction with their candy?

I think that it is because many people don’t want to just eat candy anymore, because of the health craze. Snickers realized this and used it to their advantage. They decided not to play on their sweet or savory side, or to “treat” yourself to some candy. They told the audience its OK to have a snickers, because your hungry and you need it, for energy.

I have also noticed that the Pay Day bar is now playing on the aspect of being a snack bar, instead of candy. Claiming that they are “The sweet taste of energy.”

This seems to be a new trend of candy bars, playing on their not so candy side, and letting people know that its OK to eat them because your body is asking for it.

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