Cyber Monday

We all know that Black Friday is the best day to get the hottest deals in all of the stores. However, many people forget that you can get just about every one of those deals online, on the following Monday. This day is known as Cyber Monday.

Even though this is the best day online for deals, it is built up by countless emails (spam) in your inbox. This year the email rates increased. According to research done by email firm Responsys this Cyber Monday was expected to bring in the largest email marketing.

Countless click and mortar stores as well as click only retailers have sent out numerous emails to their consumers alerting them about the deals.

Most of the emails come in through the night or early morning which is a tactic done by marketers, knowing that you will atleast glance at them when you wake.

I think that all of the emails get annoying. It gets to the point where they don’t even get opened and are deleted before even seeing what they have in store. When I have six new emails when I wake up in the morning, all of them get deleted. However, I am not in the market for buying new things. I would image someone who was shopping for a television or any product even, if they saw a discount in their email, they would investigate more.

I think that the tactic of trying to reach people and get the word out about their deals, showing that they may be better than the other stores is great. However, when everyone on the web and in the shopping centers are doing it, nothing really stands out from the crowd, its just a block of unwanted emails on the verge of being deleted.





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