
Social media seems to be growing every day. It seems that everyone in the world has a Facebook account, a Twitter, Linked In, Tumblr, WordPress, Foursqure, etc. Which makes it easy to share, talk, and locate everyone at all times.

Google+ is of the newest to join the social world. but what makes them different from all of the other sites out there? Why should someone make an account with Google when they already have all of the other accounts.

Google, has the answer to that question, and it is found in their ad..

Google uses their ad time to tell the audience how Google can better their life, how to be more efficient and use the tools on the Internet to their advantage.

This ad makes the viewer want to sign on and see what it is all about because it looks more personal than the other sites, for one, it actually is telling you why they can help in an Ad. Many, if not all other social sites have no Ad time on the Television at all.

Google always seems to grab the audience in a way that no one else can. They use experiences and feelings of real humans to connect with their audience. I think that this works. Commercials, and Ads that relate to someone are the best out there, the ones that make you feel something while looking at it or viewing it.

To me Google has done some of the best advertising out there, and as such a large company and search engine they do not necessarily need it, I think Google advertises just to keep their message strong, and to remind everyone that they can help with anything.


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