Super Bowl Anticipation

The Super Bowl is alway’s one of the best, if not the best, days of the year for advertising. I wanted to write a pre-bowl post just to get some thoughts out about the ads.

Even though I try not to watch, or read about and teasers for these new ads. (That may be the wrong decision, because I am suppose to be knowledgeable and keep up with all of this, but I like the element of surprise. However, I do make up for it by reading everything possible about the ads the day after.) I do want to comment on a few things.

So based on that, I am only going to talk about (list) the little that I have heard by accident, and make predictions based on last years ads.

  1. I think that the M&M’s spot is going to catch a lot of people off guard. Even though they have been doing a great job with hype, using billboards and social media. I still think that there will be a shock factor.
  2. Honda will be doing some sort of parody on Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. This will be interesting to see, not only how they execute it, but if it will be successful or not.
  3. I am hoping that Apple throws something cool at us.
  4. Coke is always a wonder to watch and I find myself mesmerized with everything that they do. So I am looking forward to their creations this year.
  5. GE will be participating this year, and I am particularly interested in what they have to say, and how they are going to say it.

Not only is this years Super Bowl exciting for me because of the ads, the New York Giants have made it to the game. Being a fan of the team and the ads, I find my self wondering when I will have time to leave the TV.

I look forward to my post-bowl post, to share my likes, dislikes and comments about the 2012 ads.


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